Where to find work
You can search for open positions on the Internet. You can also send an open application to an interesting employer on your own initiative.
Uusimaa TE Office helps with the job search. https://toimistot.te-palvelut.fi/uusimaa/yhteystiedot The nearest office is in Espoo at Upseerinkatu 3 B, 02600 Espoo. TE Office services are free of charge.
When you know that you will be unemployed, register as a job seeker with the TE Office. If the prerequisites are met, you are entitled to unemployment benefits starting from the date of registration for the period during which your job search at the TE Office is valid.
You can also get help for your job search from International House Helsinki https://ihhelsinki.fi/pre-arrival-support/employment-coaching/.
Startup Refugees helps immigrants find jobs and also supports them in setting up a business. https://startuprefugees.com/
Immigrants also receive advice for their job search from Luckan at Saloviuksentie 3, shopping centre Kirsikka.
If you are under the age of 30, you can get help for your job search at the Kirkkonummi Ohjaamo One-Stop Guidance Centre at Kirkkotallintie 1.
If you are a local resident and have been unemployed for at least 12 months, the municipal employment services can help you and seek employment opportunities with pay subsidy in the municipality of Kirkkonummi. The company or organisation that offers work for you may be eligible for municipal subsidy for employing you (subsidy for arranging working conditions). You can contact tyollisyys@kirkkonummi.fi.
More information on Finnish taxation can be found here: https://infofinland.fi/work-and-enterprise/taxation.
The residents of Kirkkonummi visit the tax office of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Its customer service point is located in Helsinki at Hämeentie 15, 00500 Helsinki, telephone: 029 512 000. You can also manage tax matters online. https://vero.fi/
International House Helsinki is the Tax Administration’s service point for international customers. There, you can apply for a tax card and receive advice on taxation. Book your appointment in advance. www.ihhelsinki.fi/
Problems at the workplace
If you are having problems at your workplace, your working conditions are poor, your wages are not paid as agreed, you have to work too much, or you have been discriminated against or exploited in your work, ask for help. The Work Help Finland mobile application provides information on your rights and obligations as an employee in Finland in 26 languages. https://migri.fi/work-help-finland-sovellus
You can also find the key providers of help in the mobile application if you suspect that you have been mistreated.
You can also search for help on the ihmiskauppa.fi website for victims of human trafficking, or contact the occupational safety and health services of the Regional State Administrative Agency (AVI) either electronically, tyosuojelu.etela@avi.fi , or by booking an appointment by phone at 0295 016 610. National telephone service of Occupational Safety and Health Administration at 0295 016 620.
More information on labour exploitation and discrimination can be found here: https://www.riku.fi/en/various-crimes/labor-exploitation/
Discrimination and racism are prohibited in Finland. However, they do exist. If you suspect that you have been discriminated against in a job search or at the workplace, you can also find a form on the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman’s website https://syrjinta.fi/en/front-page for reporting that you have experienced or noticed discrimination.
Entrepreneurship in Kirkkonummi
If you are considering starting a business, you can find plenty of useful information on the Suomi.fi website https://www.suomi.fi/company
For information on Business Services provided by the municipality of Kirkkonummi, visit the municipality’s website https://www.kirkkonummi.fi/yrittaminen-kirkkonummella or contact the municipality’s Business Team at yritykset@kirkkonummi
The municipal Employment Services also support entrepreneurs by promoting employment. You can contact tyollisyys@kirkkonummi.fi
Entrepreneurs also have their own association in Kirkkonummi, Kirkkonummen Yrittäjät. Become a member and access the services intended for member companies. https://www.yrittajat.fi/en/, https://www.yrittajat.fi/paikallisyhdistykset/kirkkonummen-yrittajat/?
It is also possible to find a business mentor that suits your purposes. https://www.yrityskummit.fi/fi/in-english/ Yrityskummit Business Mentors are experienced entrepreneurs and experts who guide and support small entrepreneurs free of charge.