Far out to sea you can see as small white building. That must be the lighthouse.
If you want to go into the lighthouse you have to be very small. Maybe the size of a shard of stone.
The lighthouse looks bigger when looking through binoculars.
Maybe those seagulls will make a nest there and they will see us from far away and wave to us. We wave back.

The Rönnskär lighthouse is on the island of Rönnskär south of the Porkkala peninsula. The lighthouse is the second oldest in Finland. It is already 221 years old! The island belongs to the Defence Forces, so you cannot visit the lighthouse without permission. You can see the lighthouse with your bare eyes and with binoculars from Pampskatan at the tip of the Porkkala peninsula. An interesting detail: The lighthouse tower turned out to be too low, so it was raised by building the round part in 1822, and the lighthouse’s lamp was turned off in 1928 after a little more than one hundred years.
Parking: Tullandintie 185, 02480 Kirkkonummi (location on the map)
Route and terrain: The route marking is red. The terrain varies but is easy for walking.
Accessibility: The destination is not accessible for persons with mobility disabilities
Other things to note: Lighthouse associations arrange guided excursions to both the Rönnskär and Kallbådan lighthouses.
Play a game
One player is a lighthouse and stands with their back to the others at a distance of 10–12 metres. When the lighthouse’s back is turned, the players, or ships, may move towards the lighthouse. When the lighthouse’s light beam hits the players, they must freeze in place. If the lighthouse sees a ship moving, the ship must take 3 steps backwards. Keep playing until all the ships have reached the lighthouse.
Tip: During the dark time of the year, or in a dark room, it is fun to play the game with a flashlight. But remember not to shine the flashlight’s beam at anyone’s eyes, and don’t look directly at the light.