Valitse sivu

The Kirkkonummi Adventure – The Kantvik Exercise Venue

ARRR! We’re climbing into the terrain. We’re sliding to the sea. We’re seeing flying balls in the desert. There are some green contraptions in the other direction. Anchors down! We’re rolling fast. We’re swinging back and forth. The ship is filled with sweet...

The Kirkkonummi Adventure – Giant’s cauldron at Vesitorninmäki

We climb up and up the mountain side. We go down and down past the colourful house. Rocks, pinecones, leaves and all sorts of things. There is a cave or a waterfall. We need to investigate more closely. It looks like a bowl. A king has surely stopped on his way to...

The Kirkkonummi Adventure – Veikkola Sports Park

Few places offer as many possibilities for sports as Veikkola Sports Park. It has many areas, and lots of places to lose your tail. Where we can jump, fly and spin. Climb, race and swing. Swish, that was a frisbee. The many possibilities at Veikkola Sports Park invite...

The Kirkkonummi Adventure – Saltfjärden Birdwatching Tower

We hear a mysterious sound. Kraw ka-ka krrroh koo-kroh koo kroh koo-kroh. Kra kra krraa krroo krrooo. A friendly ornithologist told us that it’s the sound of a crane. During migration, the crane’s other end may be sleeping while its other end is flying. That kind of...

The Kirkkonummi Adventure – Rönnskär lighthouse

Far out to sea you can see as small white building. That must be the lighthouse. If you want to go into the lighthouse you have to be very small. Maybe the size of a shard of stone. The lighthouse looks bigger when looking through binoculars. Maybe those seagulls will...

The Kirkkonummi Adventure – Ragvalds Museum Area

The pictures tell about life in the old times. We found the king’s lost cat. We are tiptoeing along the path to the woods.  Now we must be alert so that we find the arrow. There is space for play behind the foundation of the sauna. We’re playing astronauts, frogs,...

The Kirkkonummi Adventure – Pähkinäpolku & Eerikinpolku trails

Pähkinäpolku We move along looking for blue markers. There are tree nuts in the tree and earth nuts on the ground. We found a tree that has a bottom and a belly button. This must be a new species. A “bottom tree”. We left nuts in a hole for the rabbit. We saw a...

The Kirkkonummi Adventure – Porkkalanniemi peninsula

Thump, thump! The thumping of feet on rock can be heard under our feet. Our movement effect is low. We need charging. A few thumps later: We’re sitting around a campfire site. The sweet hot chocolate milk is filled with energy. The high cliffs, the maritime views and...

The Kirkkonummi Adventure – Morsfjärden bird platform

Spotted: a deer, a dog, a hairy cow. We get out of our car. The path leads us to watch birds. We have an impenetrable jungle formed by sea grass ahead of us. We are ready for an adventure. Spotted: A lizard hiding in the jungle, a butterfly on a flower, dragonflies in...

The Kirkkonummi Adventure – Meiko

The path goes up and down like a wave. We have conquered many hills. The squirrel has felled a tree. We look under the clear surface of the water. We try to see our nose. A perch swims by. We can bathe our toes from the rocky shore. A king has probably also done this....